Mom was here for Thanksgiving…really!

November 28, 2008 at 4:07 pm 2 comments

Well, guess who showed up for Thanksgiving… 

My mom had a motto when it came to cooking.  “When it’s brown, it’s cookin’.  When it’s black, it’s done.”  That stems from two things.  (1) She liked things well done, and (2) she sometimes forgot she was cooking and burned stuff.  In fact, we had a saying at her house that “When the smoke alarm goes off, dinner is ready.” 

The pastor even talked at Mom’s funeral about how frustrating it was for her when the smoke alarm sounded.  She was short and couldn’t reach it, and on more than one occasion she took the broom and beat the smoke alarm until it fell to the floor. 

Well, we went to Stillwater to Shelli’s house (my niece).  We cooked most all day and we were within 5 minutes of eating—had the rolls in browning and then it was going to be chow time.  Wouldn’t ya know…the smoke alarm went off!  We had cooked all day without setting it off, and Shelli has lived in that house two years without setting it off.  There was no logical reason for it to even start beeping! 

When it happened, we all kind of looked at each other and said, “Well, mom’s here.  Let’s eat!”  My guess is she ate dessert first.  🙂

Entry filed under: Random.

Like–don’t try this at home THAT was unexpected!

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Cheri  |  November 28, 2008 at 7:11 pm

    Rita , I had to laugh when your preacher mentioned the smoke alarm at your mom’s funeral. We say the exact same thing about mom. She has one temperature to cook on and it’s high. then the smoke alarm goes followed by a dense fog throughout the house. . Cheri

  • 2. okwriter2  |  November 29, 2008 at 8:59 am

    I guess you know what that means, Cheri. We are probably destined to be just like them, so ya better stock up on batteries for the smoke alarm. 🙂


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